Empowering a Pan-European Network to Counter Hybrid Threats
Empowering a Pan-European Network to Counter Hybrid Threats
The EU-HYBNET consortium has 25 partners from 14 different EU Member States and associated countries. The consortium comprises of 12 Practitioner partners from 10 different EU MSs (FR, DE, NL, PL, ES, IT, RO, EE, FI, NO) and the remaining Partners represent industry, SMEs, academia and other organisations and reside additional 4 EU MSs (GR, SE, LT, BE).
Is a distinguished and multi-faculty university educating future professionals for security management, business management, information and communications technology, service innovation and design, and nursing.
Laurea operates in the Helsinki metropolitan area in seven regional campuses with some 8.000 students of which 1 200 study in the adult education programmes (Master Degrees) and over 550 employees.
Laurea’s Research, Development and Innovations (RDI) bring together several aspects – from academic research to practitioners’ know-how, and from tech-savviness to traditional security and safety studies. It offers viable business opportunities, design of new services and enhancement of existing ones, with emphasis on the end-user experience.
Laurea RDI activities concentrate on four focus areas, of which the most relevant to this project is Security, Safety and SocialResponsibility R&D research domain. This focus area can be described through the human security paradigm which refers to a multidisciplinary approach towards understanding the concept of security, including international relations, strategic and development studies, and human rights. In this context, security is seen as an enabler, outcome, and integral part of other subject fields. Laurea’s research activities promote solutions that are, above all, ethically and socially sustainable e.g. respecting fundamental human rights.
The EU-HYBNET Coordinator is Dr. Päivi Mattila and the EU-HYBNET Project Manager Ms. Tiina Haapanen, Innovation Manager Mr. Isto Mattila, Network Manager Mr. Jari Räsänen.
Hybrid CoE is an international, independent network-based organization promoting a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach to countering hybrid threats. The Centre’s key task is to build participating states’ capabilities to prevent and counter hybrid threats. This is done by sharing best practices, testing new ideas and approaches, and providing training courses and exercises.
Hybrid CoE also has an important role as a platform between the EU and NATO, providing a forum for strategic discussions and joint training and exercises.
As an actor connecting other actors from various societal sectors, the Centre’s aim is also to lead the conversation on hybrid threats by publishing a wide variety of publications and engaging with various partners in the field.
Currently, the Participants are Austria, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the UK and the USA. Participation in the Centre is open to EU Member States and NATO Allies. The EU and NATO are actively participating in activities of the Centre.
The Centre’s work is planned and coordinated by the Hybrid CoE Secretariat located in Helsinki, Finland. Currently the Centre has 34 employees.
Involvement in the EU-HYBNETHybrid COE is one of the leading partners of EU-HYBNET project, in close cooperation with Laurea University. Hybrid COE has developed a conceptual framework of hybrid threats in cooperation with the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC). This report will be the basis for understanding the hybrid threats in the contemporary security environment and the conceptual cornerstone of EU-HYBNET project.
As the European Commission's science and knowledge service, the Joint Research Centre's mission is to support EU policies with independent evidence throughout the whole policy cycle. Its work has a direct impact on the lives of citizens by contributing with its research outcomes to a healthy and safe environment, secure energy supplies, sustainable mobility and consumer health and safety.
The JRC draws on over 50 years of scientific experience and continually builds its expertise.
Located across five different countries, the JRC hosts specialist laboratories and unique research facilities and is home to thousands of scientists working to support EU policy. The JRC has built over the years an extensive network of experts and research organisations working in the field of security and protection of critical infrastructures. JRC produces new knowledge through inhouse funded projects, through participation in H2020 projects but also plays a very active role in the knowledge management field through the establishment of the Knowledge Centres for specific disciplines.
The European Organisation for Security (EOS) is the voice of the European security industry and research community. Operating in 15 different countries, EOS Members provide security research, solutions, and services across many security domains, including cyber, crisis management, border and transport.
EOS Members include major industry players, SMEs, research centres and universities from across the whole business cycle: from technology R&D, equipment manufacturing, and system integration, to service providers, and end-users.
EOS' main objective is the development of an harmonised European security market in line with political, societal and economic needs through the efficient use of budgets. EOS works towards achieving a better level of technology independence for European strategic autonomy, supporting the development and use of European reference solutions and growth of a genuine European industry.
EOS supports its Members work by providing access to business opportunities, by promoting at the highest level the implementation of innovative solutions in priority areas like cybersecurity, border control, crisis management, protection of critical infrastructures, and SSD (security screening and detection systems).
EOS represents the interests and expertise of its Members involved in providing security technology Solutions and Services. We provide to our Members synergetic added value across different sectors, where single Member, for different reasons, cannot provide alone a European impact.
Polish Platform for Homeland Security (PPHS) was established in 2005 (Listed into the Polish court’s register; number 000251345), and by Decision no 2/2006 (19 January 2006) Minister of the Interior and Administration agreed for range of PPHS activities.
PPHS associates representatives of Polish Law Enforcement Agencies which in cooperation with other practitioners and representatives of science, develop IT tools and legal environment to support the broadly defined efforts to improve public security. The basis of cooperation are different kind of research projects. At the same time PPBW fosters cooperation in the area of security among various fields of science, research and development, and education. Moreover PPHS as a think tank is focused on defining and solving problems in area of security, by preparing reports and other materials for policy makers like summary of workshops and conferences or research and development projects.
PPHS cooperates with consultants from security area: experienced officers (especially representing the Police, Border Guards, Internal Security Agency) prosecutors, judges and representatives of science experienced in cooperation with LEA. By organising conferences, seminars and meetings PPHS facilitate exchange of knowledge through LEA themselves and LEA with industry and science. This kind of dialogue is possible thanks to PPHS experts knowledge and also wide international cooperation with other LEA in Europe.
TNO is one of the major research and technology organisations in Europe. With a staff of 2850 and an annual turnover of 530 million Euros, TNO is carrying out research in order to achieve impact on the following five domains: Industry; Healthy Living; Defence, Safety & Security; Energy; and Living Environment. TNO functions as an intermediary between basic research organisations and industry. By translating scientific knowledge into practical applications, TNO contributes to strengthening the innovation capacity of businesses and government. TNO is involved in many international projects (about 30% of the market turnover), including EUfunded collaborations, be it research or service contracts, for the European Commission, the European Parliament or European agencies. TNO has extensive experience in managing and leading international consortia in research projects for a wide variety of (international) clients such as the European Commission (FP7/H2020 as well as service contracts), the European Parliament and other international bodies.
RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden is the largest public-sector research institute in Sweden with over 3000 employees, 30% PhDs. RISE is an owner and partner in 60% of all Sweden’s test and demonstration facilities. In international collaboration with companies, academia and the public sector, RISE contribute to a competitive business community and a sustainable society. RISE is an independent state-owned research institute offering unique expertise for future-proof technologies, products and services. RISE has vast experience in coordinating EU project such as H2020 STREAMLINE, H2020 Trash2Cash, H2020 Improver, H2020 Neocel, H2020 PRoPART, H2020 Rubizmo, FP7 MAKESENSE, FP6 IPERG and FP6 EVERGROW.
RISE SICS is the computer science unit of RISE. RISE SICS is a world-class research institute in the forefront of ICT research and development. RISE SICS performs applied ICT research, knowledge creation and innovation through the deployment of new services and products. Results are disseminated through our partnership or through test beds and demonstrators. RISE SICS's collective expertise includes cybersecurity, machine learning, sensors and actuators, communication networks and data analytics to visualization, interaction design and service development.
RISE Cybersecurity Lab is the largest public-sector cybersecurity research group in Sweden. The security lab also coordinates RISE Cybersecurity Centre, which covers not only technical but also human, organizational and legal aspects of cybersecurity.
Satways Ltd. is founded in May 2006 and is based in Athens, Greece. The company’s main activity is the development of integrated Geospatial command and control and situation awareness solutions for Security and Public Safety applications for users such as Fire Brigade, Police, Coast Guard, Emergency Medical, Civil Protection, Critical Infrastructure protection and Border Auhtorities. With core technology built on open standards, Satways offers a range of mission critical enterprise solutions empowering governments and businesses around the world to make better and faster operational decisions. Its product line includes C2 and C3I enterprise software packages that respond to different operational requirements of Public Safety and Security Agencies such as Distributed Geospatial Data management, Operational Resources Tracking, Incident Management and dispatch, Physical Security Information Management, Natural &Technological Hazards Crisis Management and Border Surveillance. The common goal though, is to provide effective decision support, to simplify operations, to provide a Common Operational Picture (COP) and collaboration tools across organizations, to collect and disseminate data in the field and to coordinate response units and system users.
One of the main advantages of Satways solutions is the modular architecture that permits easy customization to meet exact user requirements, adding capabilities to deployed solutions by adding additional modules and everything is available through a single end user application.
L3CE is positioned as a multidisciplinary knowledge sharing platform combining a broad range of capacities – sociological and criminological research, legal and regulatory analysis, R&D in the areas of online propaganda, fake news, information operations, psychological operations, open source intelligence, web intelligence, social media intelligence, threat intelligence, hybrid risk assessment, advanced analytics, cognitive computing for rare risks detection. L3CE is nonprofit, independent organization founded in by two largest national universities: Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) and Kaunas Technology University (KTU). The activity of L3CE includes: Research and development in the context of National and EU projects, training of LE practitioners in the area of Digital Investigations and Intelligence. L3CE established strong formal and informal partnership links with EU networks of practitioners. Deep understanding of up to date LEA needs and challenges helps to promote end-user driven research in cyber security field.
L3CE possess a mix of expertise combining knowledge from different fields of science with practical experience of running virtual network organizations. L3CE fostered establishment of SINCERE network and was engaged in the development of business and operational model of Virtual Small Islands Centre of Excellence for Training, Research & Education. SINCERE Network unites Small Islands stakeholders enabling them to work together in order to strengthen LEA capacity and social resilience against cyber threats.
L3CE is partner of European Network of Law Enforcement Agencies for Technology Services (ENLETS), coordinated by the Netherlands Police. ENLETS is an active player across EU that stimulates innovations for EU LEA by scanning and raising awareness of new technologies, best practices and recent developments in different fields of operations.
KEMEA is a think tank on homeland security policies and an established research center since 2005 (L. 3387/2005) within the Hellenic Ministry of Interior (former Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection), aiming to support security policy implementations in Greece at a strategic level.
More specifically, the activities KEMEA is involved in include:
The Center also provides advisory and consulting services to the Ministry of Citizen Protection as well as to other Public and Private authorities on safety and security issues.
A main objective of KEMEA is to bring together all national Law Enforcement Agencies (Police, Fire Service, Coast Guard, Civil Protection agency, etc.) and to enable them to collaborate, interconnecting them with corresponding agencies, research institutions and the industry from around Europe.
The Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition is responsible for preparing and implementing the French government’s policy in the fields of sustainable development, climate, energy transition, and biodiversity.
The defense, security and economic intelligence directorate (SDSIE in French) assists the Secretary General of the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition in carrying out his defense, security and economic intelligence missions.
The defense and security directorate works on the subject of hybrid threats both in terms of research and development but also on a day to day basis for planing. Hybrid threats are considered in the elaboration of National security plans, the Vigipirate plan and the Pirate Action Plans, each adapted to a particular type of risk, particularly Pirate Land Transport Plans, maritime transport, air transport, NRBC (nuclear, radiological, biological or chemical) or Piranet (crisis of computer origin). The real time analysis of hybrid threats is also involved in crisis management operated by the defense and security directorate.
The SDSIE is devoted to strengthen European networks that focus on research, innovation, training activities, policy recommendations delivery against hybrid threats. In particular, the service is dedicated to comfort a hybrid threat Network across Europe with industry, academia and practitioners, to identify capability and operational gaps, to monitor research and innovation, to indicate priorities for standardization and policy recommendations and to disseminate results and interact with other related networks.
UiT The Arctic University of Norway is a medium-sized research university that contributes to knowledge-based development at the regional, national and international level. UiT The Arctic University of Norway is the third largest university in Norway and the northernmost in the world. UiT's study portfolio covers all classical subject areas from Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Education and Humanities, Science and Technology to Economics, Law, Social Work, Tourism, Sports and Fine Arts. The Centre for Peace Studies (CPS) is an interdisciplinary research and teaching centre that addresses a wide range of issues relating to peace and security, both locally, regionally, as well as globally. It is the only university-based centre of its kind in Norway. The Centre currently employs 14 research (8 including the director) and administrative staff, and will increase by one academic position by fall 2019.
CPS leads a number of international, collaborative projects ranging from issues on Russian indigenous territorial rights to understanding “civilian reslience” in hybrid and population-centric warfare scenarios (“Resilient Civilians in Hybrid and Population-Centric Warfare” NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme. Led by Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv (civilian resilience; security; destabilisation)website: https://site.uit.no/hybrid/ ), in addition to the projects listed amongst the PhD and Post-doctoral projects. Two further project proposals to UiT and to the Research Council of Norway) are submitted with the goal to further enhance the CPS capacity in the area of local, peace-promoting tactics (civilian agency/resilience) in hybrid warfare scenarios. Results of these applications expected through fall 2019.
The International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS) is the leading think-tank in Estonia specialising in foreign policy, defence, security and resilience issues. The aim of the ICDS is to be the regional knowledge hub of first choice for the security and defence communities of Estonia, its allies and partners.
The mission of the ICDS is to:
In pursuit of its mission, the ICDS:
Maldita.es is an independent journalistic platform focused on the control of disinformation and public discourse through fact-checking and data journalism techniques. We are a non-profit organization with three main objectives:
Our watchword is "journalism to not be fooled" because through fact -checking and verification techniques, data journalism, archive research, technological tools and education we create content that enables citizens to have a greater reassurance about what is real and what is not in order to build informed opinions and decisions. We've developed innovative formats especially focused on social media and the creation of a community committed to the project that collaborates with us.
Numerous modern technologies improve the protection and security of data, thus enabling people to use online-based means of communication safely. However, terrorists and other criminals use the very same technologies for criminal purposes. Therefore, in order to fulfill their statutory obligation and prevent abuse, all security authorities must develop appropriate technical capabilities to fight terrorism, cybercrime, and cyber espionage. To meet this tremendous challenge, in 2017 the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community has established the Central Office for Information Technology in the Security Sector (ZITiS). ZITiS is part of the Cyber Security Strategy for Germany. As service provider for the German security authorities, ZITiS pools technical expertise in the cyber domain and supports security authorities.
The Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community has established the Central Office for Information Technology in the Security Sector (ZITiS). As ZITiS is part of the Cyber Security Strategy for Germany, it acts as a service provider for the German security authorities. ZITiS pools technical expertise in the cyber domain and supports security authorities through research, development, and consultancy. Thus, ZITiS makes a significant contribution to domestic security. ZITiS provides consultancy on technical matters and security strategies. Its tasks are based on the requirements of the security authorities and include the areas of digital forensics, lawful interception, cryptanalysis, and big data as well as technical aspects of fighting crime, countering threats, and countering espionage. In this context, ZITiS acts in both an advisory and a supporting capacity.
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) is a young public university with several campuses in the greater Madrid area, whose mission is to foster innovative research and high-quality education in one of Spain’s fastest-growing regions. URJC has managed to grow to 40.000 students and nearly 1,400 lecturers, being currently the third largest among the six public Universities in Madrid. URJC has a strong international projection, with an academic community comprising 3.500 foreigners from 92 countries.
URJC has been participating actively in international projects since the Sixth Framework Programme and has established a European Projects Office (EPO) to strengthen the participation in international research activities. EPO collaborates in two main ways: on one hand, attending and handling both administrative and financial issues from the different projects and actions. On the other, assisting the researchers and the projects/actions individually by providing support in different tasks (technology transfer, IP management and support, open access, technology watch and so on). The EPO has staff with technical and financial background, and skills to develop the above described activities. Additionally, the EPO has a delegation located in Brussels whose primary mission is to serve as liaison and interface, between researchers and the European institutions.
Espoo is the second biggest and fastest growing city in Finland located next to the capital city Helsinki. With 280,000 inhabitants, 118 000 jobs, 312 km² land area and vast forest coverage, Espoo is far from traditional. The special feature of Espoo is an urban structure that relies on five different centres, each one being equivalent to a medium-sized Finnish town.
According to the City of Espoo’s strategy, the Espoo Story, the city will be developed as a pioneering responsible, sustainable and close to nature city that is a good place to live, learn, work and enterprise in and where residents can have their say in matters. The modus operandi of the strategy is Espoo’s commitment to be resident- and client-oriented, fair and responsible pioneer. Espoo’s modular city structure and the city’s commitment to develop City as a Service forms the basis for Espoo’s approach in promoting innovation and building a networked and multi-stakeholder cooperation.
Espoo is one of the European forerunners in innovation. The City of Espoo has gained international fame e.g. by winning the Intelligent Community of the Year Award 2018 – a global competition organised by the Intelligent Communities Forum – and becoming a member of the United Nations’ Leadership Programme on implementing the Agenda 2030. As a hub of know how, research and development, the Espoo Innovation Garden refers to innovative, common ways of working and a culture of collaboration and co-creation.
The Netherlands Constitution states that “There shall be armed forces for the defence and protection of the interests of the Kingdom, and in order to maintain and promote the international legal order.” Based on this and other legislation and regulations, the Ministry of Defence has the following three main tasks:
In total about 60.000 people work for the NLD MOD. The yearly budget is almost 10.5 billion Euros (2019).
DSB's overall task is maintaining a complete overview of various risks and vulnerability in general. Our responsibilities cover local, regional and national preparedness and emergency planning, fire safety, electrical safety, handling and transport of hazardous substances, as well as product and consumer safety. On behalf of the Ministry of Justice, DSBs is leading the Total Defence Program, where 'hybrid' as a cross sectorial issue is highly relevant.
DSBs role in the ongoing Norwegian Total Defence Program, including questions pertaining to fake news, psychological defence and hybrid scenarios is considered highly relevant to the project.
DSBs role as a facilitating entity between different agencies, both on a day to day basis and in crisis, ensures the proliferation of knowledge and information where needed.
The Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (www.unicatt.it), founded in 1921 includes five campuses (Milano, Brescia, Piacenza-Cremona, Roma and Campobasso) which cover 14 faculties, 52 three-year major tracks, 42 graduate level degrees, 1 four-years degree, over 100 master tracks, 53 specializations and 5 Postgraduate Schools. The extensive research program closely collaborates with 16 internal colleges, 62 departments and 93 research centres.
Their common goal is the understanding and study of those topics that have proved vital to the wellbeing of each human being: the new frontiers of economics, bioethics, environmental recuperation, developments in the judicial fields, family dynamics, major mass phenomena, the evolution of political systems, new horizons in medicine, the technological applications of physics and mathematics, and the most recent discoveries in environmental research.
The Competence Center COMTESSA, based in the Bundeswehr University Munich, is an interdisciplinary research group with focus on Operations Research, Strategic Management and Safety & Security, especially in the context of Civil Security.
Bundeswehr University Munich (UniBwM) was founded in 1973 with the aim of providing officers and officer candidates with a university education that would also prepare them for civilian careers. Since its founding, the number of students has been rising steadily: today there are around 2,800 registered students, including 300 women, 100 civilians, and 50 international students and officers.
Bundeswehr University Munich (German: Universität der Bundeswehr München, UniBw München) is one of only two federal research universities in Germany that both were founded in 1973 as part of the German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr). Originally called Hochschule der Bundeswehr München, the institution was supposed to offer civilian academic education for military officers. Today, the university has an increasing number of civilian and international students. The academic year at the university is structured in trimesters and not the usual semesters, to offer intensive studies with more credit points per year. Every capable students can therefore achieve a Bachelor's and a Master's degrees within less than four years, instead of five years as usual. Universität der Bundeswehr München has well-established scientific research and forms part of two excellence clusters of the German government's university excellence initiative. Bundeswehr University München is one of only very few campus universities in Germany. Operations Research plays a central role within the curricula at UniBw München.
The city of Valencia has a metropolitan area which reaches over 1,500,000 inhabitants. This means, in terms of population, that Valencia is the 3rd largest city in Spain.
The Valencia Local Police (PLV) municipal department depends on the Valencia City Council. More than 1,600 police officers form the Valencia Local Police.
PLV’s duties are wide, ranging from surveillance and road traffic control to maintaining citizen security and safety, administrative police, community police, domestic violence, mediation police, fight against crime, management of emergencies, environmental police, etc. Overall, it is one of the most active local polices in Spain, due to its continuous innovation in new technologies. The Centre of Security and Emergencies (CISE) is the best example of innovation in police management thanks to the use of ICTs tools. Moreover, it is a great test bed for pilot experiences and tests. PLV has managed (as a leader or a partner) 24 successful European projects from different Programmes (H2020, 7th FP of R+D in Security, Lifelong Learning Programme, Prevention and Fight against Crime, Daphne III, Civil Protection Financial Instrument, Criminal Justice, etc.). PLV has a 30 year-old Community Policing model, which provides a satisfactory relationship with the citizens, thanks to more than 200 CPO within the municipality. This professional profile makes us receive very relevant multidisciplinary information.
“Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy (MVNIA) is a higher education military institution part of the Romanian Intelligence Service, specialized in the training of intelligence officers, the promotion of security culture for the civil society as well as conducting research in the field of intelligence and security studies. The research activity conducted within the Academy, through the National Institute for Intelligence Studies, is directed towards providing innovative solutions for the intelligence practice and contribute to the continuous improvement of the educational and training programs in the field. Consequently, the research activity is organized in two main areas of interest: security studies and intelligence studies.
MVNIA is conducting research projects on topics such as: security risk emerging trends, security culture, terrorism and counterterrorism, decision-making in homeland defence, innovation needed in local, regional and global security policies and strategies, early warning indicators of terrorism, cyber-crime or extremist violence, community and institutional resilience to crisis situations, security culture development, new tools for intelligence analysis, intelligence flows and support to strategic decision making.
The Internal Security Agency (Agencja Bezpieczenstwa Wewnetrznego) is a government institution which protects the internal security of the Republic of Poland and its citizens. Its primary objective is to effectively neutralise threats to the State’s internal security.
The ABW’s status of a special service as well as its tasks and powers are regulated by a single law – the Internal Security Agency and Foreign Intelligence Agency Act of 24 May 2002. The ABW carries out its duties following both the spirit (rule) of legalism and the rule of law, which are characteristic of every single act undertaken by ABW officers.
Our experience in the collection and analysis of information significant from the point of view of the State security enables us to carry out our tasks set out by statute. As a special service we have both operational and investigative powers. Our cadre comprises mostly of university graduates from different faculties who are highly qualified and share appropriate ethical standards to carry out the tasks important for the State security. Moreover, our qualities are patriotism and respect for the nation's history.
Estonia’s State-owned cybersecurity agency (RIA) is Estonia’s cybersecurity competence centre that develops Estonia’s e-governance services and assures cybersecurity standards that are the core of the safe use of Estonia’s information system. RIA was founded in 2011 under the Ministry of Communications and Economic Affairs and was based on the previous initiatives launched already in 1990 in the Estonia’s Government Office.
RIA coordinates the development and administration of the Estonian state information system, organises activities related to information and cybersecurity, and handles the security incidents that have occurred in Estonian computer networks. RIA advises the providers of public services on how to manage their information systems as per requirements and monitors them. In addition, RIA is an implementing entity of the structural assistance of the European Union.
RIA has also taken the lead or been the key partner in a number of regional and global cybersecurity initiatives over the last years. For example in 2018, delegations from almost 100 different States visited the Agency. Additionally, RIA’s delegates visited several States in a variety of cybersecurity capacity building efforts. Regionally, RIA has participated in the X-Road working group to share best practices with their Finnish colleagues on the technical solutions that have been set up in Estonia and participates actively in the Northern European Cybersecurity Cluster. In Estonia, RIA is closely collaborating with the e-Governance Academy and the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence.