EU-HYBNET 3rd Training & Exercise Event
We are please to invite all EU-HYBNET consortium and network members to our 3rd Training event that will take place on 18-19th of January 2024 in Vilnius, Lithuania.
The goal is to deliver training to Pan-European practitioners, industry and academic actors to gain new knowledge and skills to enhance their measures against hybrid threats.
The Training and Exercising event is a continuation of the analysis of present gaps and needs/ threats to counter hybrid threats and corresponding innovations that were identified by EU-HYBNET partners in the last year and were presented in the 3rd Innovation and Knowledge Exchange Workshop (IKEW) in Valencia on 7th of November 2023.
During the training understanding of selected solutions goes one step further, as those will be presented in more detailed and placed in the context of artificial scenario. Participants will assess the initial situation and then have extensive discussion on how presented solutions can provide value in their daily activities. Such discussion provides better understanding on how innovative solutions can help to counter hybrid threats, what can be expected from such improvements and what challenges might appear introducing them in current processes.
A tentative agenda for the training can be found here.
This event is open to EU-HYBNET consortium partners, Network Members, and stakeholder group members. There is funding available to cover the travel costs of EU-HYBNET network members.
If you are interested, please contact the EU-HYBNET Network Manager, Mr. Jari Räsänen (Laurea) at jari.rasanen@laurea.fi and event organiser Lithuanian Cybercrime Center of Excellence for Training, Research and Education (L3CE) Mr. Edmundas Piersarskas at edmundas@l3ce.eu.
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