EU-HYBNET 3rd Annual Workshop #AW
We are pleased to announced that the EU-HYBNET consortium will hold its third Annual Workshop, #AW, on 20 April 2023 in Bucharest, Romania.
Please save the date in your calendars and share the event with your relevant networks!
This workshop will present the results and findings of the EU-HYBNET project during the past year. The consortium aims to ensure vivid interaction with all hybrid threats stakeholders to assess the feasibility of the project findings and possible recommendations to innovations uptake and standardisation.
As part of the event, EU-HYBNET will also be inviting providers of innovative solutions on security-related topics to present research and/or innovations which could contribute to countering hybrid threats.
Please find here the full draft agenda. The workshop is open to project partners and external participants upon registration.
Call for Innovations – Pitches
As part of the 3rd Annual Workshop, EU-HYBNET is inviting organizations and projects that work with security-related topics to present innovations (technological and non-technological) which contribute to countering hybrid threats in following areas:
* Future trends in hybrid threats: detection of the weak signals and vulnerabilities to improve foresight capability in the areas of
- Data analytics for social network intelligence
- Individual profiling based on algorithmic predictions enabled by AI
- NBIC: neurological, biological, information and cognitive sciences innovations and findings
* Cyber and Future Technologies: monitor and analyse attempts to manipulate civil societies in digital environment (combat information manipulation) such as
- Interference practices during crisis
- Building resilience to Fake News
- Sentiments monitoring among population
- Collaborative resilience (cyber and information environment)
* Resilient civilians, local level and national administration: increase trust among government and people
- increasing civilian engagement in crisis management
- methods/techniques to understand impacts of protest actions and movements on national politics and geopolitics
* Information and strategic communication
- Education and training for building resilience to disinformation and FIMI (Foreign information manipulation and interference)
- Enhancing fact-checking and argument checking with AI technologies online (from pre-bunking to criminalization)
- Anticipatory, Strategic, and warning intelligence against hostile influencing in the information environment
Innovations related to hybrid threats but not linked to the topics abovementioned can be submitted. For the technological solutions we encourage you to submit your application only if your solution has a TRL >7.
If you are interested in presenting your innovation in-person during the Annual Workshop, please fill out the template which you can download below. Kindly send your description of an innovation by 17 March 2023 to the event organizer The “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy (MVNIA), MS Ileana Surdu ileana.surdu@animv.ro
Once we have received all inputs, EU-HYBNET will select 3-4 most promising innovation to be presented during the workshop on 20/4/2023 in Bucharest, Romania (venue: Ramada Plaza Hotel). Travel cost of presenters will be covered by the project to reasonable extend.
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