Go Back Filter: By categoryDidn't find what you are looking for? Try the filters below. Filters 54 Items Found View As Grid List Sort By A to Z (title) Z to A (title) Latest listings Oldest listings Select CategoryAcademia/RTOIndustryOrganizationPractitioner Reset Filters Apply Filters Center of Excellence for Police and Security Research Germany https://www.fhvr-aub.bayern.de/pol/forschung/forschungsabteilung/index.html Academia/RTO Ghent University BIGDATPOL Belgium https://bigdatpol.com/ Academia/RTO IRI Europe ASBL (International Republican Institute) Belgium https://www.iri.org/ Academia/RTO +1 Organization University of Turku Finland https://www.utu.fi Academia/RTO SAPIENZA University of Rome Italy https://web.uniroma1.it/neuroscienze/laboratorio-di-violenza-interpersonale Academia/RTO Viu Universidad Internacional de Valencia Spain https://www.universidadviu.com/es/ Academia/RTO Fraunhofer FOKUS Germany https://www.fokus.fraunhofer.de/en Academia/RTO Universidad Cardenal Herrera CEU Spain www.uchceu.es Academia/RTO OPEWI Belgium www.opewi.com Academia/RTO National Cybersecurity Directorate Romania www.dnsc.ro Academia/RTO Risk and Crisis Centre Mid-Sweden University Sweden https://www.miun.se/en/Research/research-centers/RCR/ Academia/RTO UCD Centre for Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Investigation Ireland https://www.ucd.ie/cci/ Academia/RTO Polytechnic Institute of Setubal – School of Technology Portugal https://www.si.ips.pt/ips_si/web_base.gera_pagina?P_pagina=29906 Academia/RTO Institute of Legal Personnel Training for the Security Service of Ukraine Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University Ukraine https://nlu.edu.ua/instytuty-fakultety/instytut-pidgotovky-yurydychnyh-kadriv-dlya-sluzhby-bezpeky-ukrayiny/ Academia/RTO Helmut Schmidt Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg Germany https://hsu-hh.de/ Academia/RTO Marshall Center Germany https://www.marshallcenter.org/en Academia/RTO University of Dubrovnik Croatia www.unidu.hr Academia/RTO Sintef Norway https://www.sintef.no/en/ Academia/RTO FORTH – Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas – Institute of Computer Science Greece www.ics.forth.gr Academia/RTO Universidad Isabel I de Castilla Spain https://www.ui1.es/la-universidad/investigacion Academia/RTO The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies Netherlands https://hcss.nl/ Academia/RTO +1 Organization Center for the Study of Democracy Romania www.democracycenter.ro Academia/RTO Police University College Finland https://polamk.fi/en/front-page Academia/RTO Academic Centre for Strategic Communication Poland https://www.wojsko-polskie.pl/aszwoj/stratcom/ Academia/RTO Defence Institution Building School Georgia https://dibs.mod.gov.ge/ Academia/RTO State Scientific Institution, Institute of Information, Security and Law of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine http://ippi.org.ua/ Academia/RTO Center for Research and Training in Innovative Techniques of Applied Mathematics in Engineering “Traian Lalescu” Romania https://citi.upb.ro/ Academia/RTO EFFECTUS – Entrepreneurial Studies Croatia https://effectus.com.hr/ Academia/RTO European Institute for Counter Terrorism and Conflict Prevention Austria https://www.eictp.eu/en/ Academia/RTO +1 Organization The School of Social Sciences ( of the University of Georgia – UG) Georgia https://www.ug.edu.ge/en/soc-skolis-shesakheb Academia/RTO Information Technologies Institute / Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH/ITI Greece https://www.certh.gr/root.en.aspx Academia/RTO Vesalius College VZW, part of the Brussels School of Governance and Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) Belgium https://www.vesalius.edu/ Academia/RTO 1 2