
EU-HYBNET Innovation Standardisation Workshop #ISW

We are pleased to announce EU-HYBNET’s “Innovation Standardization Workshop” on 15th June 2022 at the Babylon Hotel, The Hague, NL.

The event is open to EU-HYBNET consortium partners. Registrations are now closed.

The Innovation Standardization Workshop (ISW) focuses on EU-HYBNET’s identified most promising technological and non-technological innovative solutions and tools to counter Hybrid Threats and their standardization landscape in two fields:

  • Countering disinformation and fake news, increasing the level of media literacy and social resilience.
  • Critical infrastructure protection and information sharing.

The ISW will start with a keynote speech on “Countering Russian Disinformation during the war against Ukraine” given by Maria Avdeeva, Research Director at the European Expert Association from Kharkiv, Ukraine. A second keynote speech will focus on “Innovation standardization landscape in the context of critical infrastructure protection and need for enhanced information sharing” provided by EU-Vri – Steinbeis European Risk & Resilience Institute.

Keynote speeches will be followed by parallel sessions for two working groups (WG) with the participation of expert speakers, invited guests and EU-HYBNET consortium and network members. The WGs are:

WG1. on “Standardization measures in the context of critical infrastructure protection and innovations to enhance information sharing”

This WG will focus on standardization experts and pan-European security practitioners’ views on present standards, needs and possibilities for standardization in the future noticing the challenges deriving form hybrid threats.

WG2. on “Standardisation and innovations in disinformation and media literacy”

This WG is dedicated on standardization best practices and innovative solutions answering security practitioners’ needs to counter information manipulation and interference, disinformation and media literacy.

In the context of Hybrid Threats and focus areas of the WGs, the WGs aim to formulate recommendations concerning standardization and present standards. The WGs’ goal is also to support EU-HYBNET’s most promising proposed innovations uptake for pan-European security practitioners to counter Hybrid Threats.

Please find below the full agenda.

Participants are encouraged to attend the event in-person and join the discussions in the Hague. The sessions will also be broadcasted online; however, discussions in the parallel sessions will only be held in-person.

The event is invitation based. However, if you are interested in joining ISW due to your expertise in the focus areas of the workshop, please contact event organizer EU-HYBNET partner Polish Platform for Homeland Security Mr. Bartłomiej Ostrowski at


EU-HYBNET 2nd Innovation and Knowledge Exchange Workshop #IKEW

We are pleased to invite you to the EU-HYBNET consortium’s second hybrid Innovation Knowledge Exchange Workshop (#IKEW), which will take place on 14 June 2022 in the Hague and online!

Registrations are now closed.

The objective of this second workshop is to provide security practitioners, industry, SMEs, and academia with an opportunity to exchange information on challenges in countering hybrid threats and possible innovations to answer them.

IKEW 2022 will start with a plenary session with a keynote speech by Gwenda Nielen (TILT) on ‘Disinformation; The BadNews and resilience’. Presentations from EU-HYBNET on its latest results and future views and from the Dutch Ministry of Defence on hybrid threats in the Netherlands will follow. The plenary will be live-streamed to participants attending digitally.

Two tracks of break-out sessions will be organised in two rounds: live in the Hague or online for participants attending remotely. In each round, participants can express their preference between two live or online sessions.

In the four live break-out sessions, SMEs and innovation solution providers are encouraged to participate and discuss how several innovations to counter hybrid threats could be further improved and what new innovations may be needed. The sessions are grouped thematically: online dilemma gaming, cyber threats, societal resilience and strategic communication.

The four online sessions will discuss issues that have arisen from the gaps and needs analysis conducted during the current working cycle of the project: critical infrastructure disruption, emerging technologies and political cleavages. The fourth one will be an open brainstorm session in the format of an online game with a focus on hybrid threats.

At the end of the day, all participants (live and online) will return to the plenary session to receive presentations on the outcomes of all break-out sessions and follow a concluding keynote speech (TBD).

Please find below the full agenda

The workshop is open to project partners and external participants upon registration.


EU-HYBNET 2nd Future Trends Workshop #FTW – Democracies on the edge?

The EU-HYBNET consortium will hold its second EU-HYBNET Future Trends Workshop, #FTW, on 5 of April 2022 in Rome and in hybrid format/telco. This workshop will address expected future manifestations of hybrid threats, and their evolving nature coupled with the different points of view that may be expressed as to how current innovations and solutions may or may not apply in tomorrow’s world.

The purpose of the workshop is to support the stakeholders’ everyday work by providing a future outlook for strategic planning and consider consequences of today’s policy choices in long-term.

The second EU-HYBNET Future Trends Workshop’s topic is “Democracies on the edge? Populism, Social networks, and international groups” including following topics:

* Trend 1 – Changing populism: what are the forms of populism? How will populism evolve and will it be a determining political movement in the future?

* Trend 2 – Instrumentalization of social networks: what are current social networks? How will the galaxy of social networks look like in the future? Will information virality models give and deepen social networks’ future harm potential at systemic levels?

* Trend 3 – Constitution of international groups: what narratives and topics unite and create movements transnationally? How this can be used as a tool by outside actors? Are these likely to grow into political force or are they more a disruption?


EU-HYBNET 2nd Annual Workshop #AW

Mark your calendars, because you are cordially invited to the 2nd EU-HYBNET Annual Workshop that will be held on 06 April 2022!

The EU-HYBNET Pan European Network to Counter Hybrid Threats Annual Workshop aims at highlighting the results and findings of the EU-HYBNET project gained during the second project year.

As part of the event, EU-HYBNET is inviting organizations that work with security-related topics to present research and/or innovations which could contribute to countering hybrid threats. EU-HYBNET is interested to hearing about a wide array of issues such as:

* Technological innovations.

* Ideas in organizational change.

* Public policy measures and experiences.

* Solutions to increase security in and resilience of critical infrastructures, cyber domain, local and national government.

* Information and strategic communication systems.

Call for Innovations – Pitches

As part of the Annual Workshop, EU-HYBNET is inviting organizations and projects that work with security-related topics to present research and/or innovations which could contribute to countering hybrid threats. EU-HYBNET is interested in hearing about a wide array of issues such as technological and non-technological innovations and ideas in following areas: 

* Future trends in hybrid threats: detection of the weak signals and vulnerabilities to improve foresight capability in the areas of 

– critical infrastructures and supply chains; 

– resilience of the space domain;  

– public outreach and content accessibility 

* Cyber and Future Technologies: monitor sentiments among populations such as 

– interference practices during crisis; 

– detection of fake content online; 

– disruptive technologies 

* Resilient civilians and local admin: increase trust among government and people  

– training/education of practitioners/citizens;  

– cross-collaboration initiatives between public and private sector; 

– destabilization aspects of democratic governance 

* Information and strategic communication  

– communication techniques targeting specific groups;  

– methodologies for fighting against disinformation;  

– methodologies for reducing impact of disinformation 

Innovations related to hybrid threats but not linked to the topics abovementioned can also be submitted. For the technological solutions we encourage you to submit your application only if your solution has a TRL >7. 

If you are interested in presenting your solution or innovative idea during the 2nd EU-HYBNET Annual Workshop, please fill out the template which you can download here. Each presentation will last a maximum of 10 minutes. Once we have received all inputs, EU-HYBNET will select the 6 most promising innovation to be presented during the workshop. 

Kindly send your innovation by 11 March 2022 COB to the event organizers Rachele Brancaleoni and Monica Bernassola, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore: and 

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EU-HYBNET participates in the ‘Responding to hybrid threats in the Mediterranean and Black Sea region’ Workshop

Come and meet us at the Workshop on ‘Responding to hybrid threats in the Mediterranean and Black Sea region’ Workshop. The event takes place online from 14th until 16th of December from 13.00 to 16.00 CET.

The purpose of the workshop is to contribute to the development of resilience against hybrid threats at a regional level within the member states and among its influencers and opinion formers. Hybrid threats erode the political cohesion of the alliance and its partners and are a part of the current EU, NATO, and the partner’s security landscape.
The primary objective is to examine a synchronization toolkit on resilience mechanisms between the EU, NATO, and regional authorities and to evaluate the effectiveness of the policy process from a central level down to regional levels among the target audience and to give guidelines in how to improve the process.

What we find today is that a state can reach the parts of another state’s triangle of war fighting capability much easier. It is simplified to say that it is about the Internet, but it is also true that the Internet facilitates a host of opportunities, good and bad when it comes to communicating with a population. Meddling in internal affairs disrupt the Western narrative of globalization, rule of law, democracy, and interconnectivity. Hybrid warfare as part of a wider information operation provides a problem partly by its content; partly by its due to attribution questions and the potential for deniability by the perpetrator.
Best practices analysis will fill knowledge gaps in addressing hybrid threats. The development of a resilience toolkit applicable at a regional level will lead towards a change of attitude vis-à-vis hybrid threats and to an improved EU-NATO- regional authorities synchronized effort in countering hybrid threats.

The wokshop is co-organised by EU-HYBNET partner Universidad Rey Juan Carlos along with Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Mid Sweden University and Ciberimaginario. The first day of the event (14th of December 2021), keynote speeches will be delivered to the audience. EU-HYBNET coordinator Päivi Mattila (Laurea) will present the project’s experience in building pan-European network to counter hybrid threats.

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EU-HYBNET “Defined Innovations to Hybrid Threats” Event #EDIHT

Open for EU-HYBNET Partners, Network Members & Relevant EU bodies and Networks!

The “Defined Innovations to Hybrid Threats” event (#EDIHT) provides EU-HYBNET pan-European stakeholders (practitioners, industry, academia, NGOs) with an opportunity to learn about innovations (technical and social/ on-technical) that the project has identified as possible solutions to counter hybrid threats. The event will take you through the process of assessment, selection and analysis of all innovations.

The workshop will present research results from EU-HYBNET project’s work in selected target areas in which improvements and innovations for countering hybrid threats need to be taken up. The basis for research was found in earlier project activities where promising research, technologies and innovations have been identified as possible answers to pan-European practitioners and other relevant actors (industry, academia, NGOs) gaps, needs and vulnerabilities in countering hybrid threats. During the event, presentations will be given on how the assessment of the possible innovative solutions was conducted and how this leads to:

a) the formulation of target areas

b) the prioritization of innovations

c) inclusion into EU-HYBNET work dedicated to further processing of solutions for innovation uptake recommendations.

By organising the event at the start of the EU-HYBNET project’s next 2nd working cycle (October 2021 – March 2023), we hope that it might inspire you to suggest new ideas for countering hybrid threats, which we can then process from October 2021 onwards.

The workshop is open to project consortium and EU-HYBNET network members upon registration and aims at fostering information sharing on innovative solutions to counter hybrid threats.

Join the event on 4th October 2021 at 9.30-11.00 CEST!

CERIS Scenario-based innovation workshop - Save the Date

CERIS Scenario-based innovation workshop

Enhancing Infrastructure Resilience against Hybrid Threats

EU-HYBNET scenarios will be discussed during next DG HOME INFRA CERIS workshop!

This DG HOME CERIS workshop will focus on the European critical infrastructure protection highlighting present policy developments in the field. Topical elements, such as the hybrid conceptual model and key factors in countering hybrid threats, will also be presented.

In the first part of the Workshop, special attention will be given to the policy initiatives, especially the Critical Entities Resilience (CER)  and the revised Network and Information Systems (NIS2)  Directives, as they will pave the way for Europe to enhance measures to critical infrastructure protection.

New types of security concerns, such as hybrid threats in the context of critical infrastructure protection, will be highlighted in the second part of the workshop. The challenges of hybrid attacks to critical infrastructure will be presented using a large-scale cyber-attack scenario that includes three critical infrastructure fields (water security, communication systems, financial services) under attack.

Complexity related to interconnected physical-digital European infrastructures will be especially highlighted in the scenarios. The participants will be challenged to acknowledge how to increase security, resilience, and design effective preventive, mitigating and preparedness-related measures to protect against and to respond to cascading effects and hybrid attacks.

Save the date EU HYBNET Month


EU-HYBNET Consortium is pleased to inform you that the EU-HYBNET Month will start very soon!

From 31st of March until 29th of April, workshops, training events as well as stakeholder group meetings will be held. You can find out more about our events and register by using the following links:

  • EU-HYBNET 1st General Assembly, 28 April 2021, (10.00-11.30 CET)
  • European Commission DG HOME and EU-HYBNET a Community of Users/ CERIS workshop, end of May (exact day TBC)

For more information:

Events will take place virtually on Zoom or BlueJeans platforms

Should you need any other information or support, please contact EU-HYBNET Coordinator Dr. Päivi Mattila  or EU-HYBNET Project Manager MS Janel Coburn


1st Future Trends Workshop #FTW (Deadline extended)

The EU-HYBNET consortium will hold its first virtual EU-HYBNET Future Trends Workshop, #FTW, on 31 March 2021. This first workshop will address expected future manifestations of hybrid threats, and their evolving nature coupled with the different points of view that may be expressed as to how current innovations and solutions may or may not apply in tomorrow’s world.

The purpose of the workshop is to support the stakeholders’ everyday work by providing a future outlook for strategic planning and consider consequences of today’s policy choices in long-term.

Ahead of the event, the participants will be provided pre-reading on future trends assessment from hybrid threats perspective, and one-pagers on the following topics, around which the breakout sessions will be formed: 

  • Intelligent infrastructures – new IT and smart cities; 
  • New geography – changing identities and power relations; 
  • New drivers of the information domain – platforms ownership, flows and influence. 

The event takes place virtually via BlueJeans platform. Agenda and meeting link will be provided closer to the event. 

Should you need any other information or support, please contact Ms. Emma Lappalainen: <>